Understanding our dogs can be difficult because we don't share the same language, they can't tell us how they feel. Fortunately, experts in the world of animal learning and behavior have given us a better insight into what a dogs body language can be telling us and why they do some of those things that, well, dogs do. This helps take the guess work out and gives us the chance to communicate better with our dogs. Here are some excellent resources that share reliable and science based information about dogs.    

Resources for Dog Owners

Understanding our dogs means understanding what they're telling us. They talk to us through body language. To learn more about body language and behavior problems please visit iSpeakdog.org.

To learn more about dog and children safety please visit doggonesafe.com and stopthe77.com.

Want to learn more about our trainer’s education and qualifications? Please visit
academyfordogtrainers.com and check out their amazing blog for more information on dogs, positive reinforcement dog training, and behavior.

For more information on all things dog, or if you’re looking for some tips on living with cats, please visit companionanimalpsychology.com.

For the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior's position statements on the use of punishment in training, dominance, puppy socialization and more please visit AVSAB's Position Statement's.